oxidative polymerization

  • n.氧化聚合
oxidative polymerizationoxidative polymerization
  1. The Effect of Catalyst on Oxidative Polymerization Process of Pitch


  2. This is first report of the template oxidative polymerization of HQ .


  3. Development of preparation of polyaniline micro / nano structures through chemical oxidative polymerization


  4. The Effect of Oxidative Polymerization of Pitch on Properties of Micro-pore Carbon


  5. A new conductive polyphosphazene containing pyrrole group and its chemical oxidative polymerization


  6. An apparent kinetics study on the oxidative polymerization of p-Dihydroxybenzene using chitosan as template


  7. The extracted solution pre-treated by centrifugation was used in oxidative polymerization process to prepare PFS .


  8. Chemical oxidative polymerization of substituted aniline


  9. Study on the Coating Film of Oxidative Polymerization of Urushiol with Copper ( ⅱ ) – Amine Complexes as Catalyst


  10. The synthesis of PPO by oxidative polymerization of DMP in oil / water biphase and aqueous media has been developed .


  11. They based on the oxidative polymerization of 2,6-dimethylphenol ( DMP ) using cupric ammine complex catalyst .


  12. Powder Conductive composites of polypyrrole-chlorinated polyethylene ( CPE ) with excellent properties was prepared through chemical oxidative polymerization in situ .


  13. These were analysed about the products of oxidative polymerization of catechin and chlorogenic acid by LC-ESI / MS.


  14. Transparent and conducting polyaniline films are produced by polymerization and deposition on various substrates spontaneously during the chemical oxidative polymerization of aniline .


  15. Oxidative polymerization rate of ethylene glycol mono dicyclopentenyl ether acrylate and its radical polymerization property at low temperature are investigated , and the mechanism of .


  16. Oxidative Polymerization of Urushiol Catalyzed by Copper Complexes with Partially Quaternized Poly ( 4-vinyl pyridine ) by Benzyl Chloride ⅰ


  17. Second , Cu ( II ) - PAMAM complex catalyzed aerobic oxidative polymerization of DMP under mild condition in water with a good selectivity to PPO .


  18. The oxidative polymerization process of urushiol with copper ( ⅱ ) – amine complexes as catalyst were studied by IR , and the properties of coating film were determined .


  19. Two-dimensional structured PANI was grafted on the surface of polypropylene ( PP ) - g-polyacrylate acid ( PAA ) composite films via surface oxidative polymerization .


  20. The chemical oxidative polymerization is adopted to prepare electrically-conductive fibers . Polyaniline , a novel conducting polymer , is synthesized on the surface of nylon 6 in air phase .


  21. The adsorption properties of mercury ions onto a novel copolyaniline , which is modified by m-aminobenzenesulfonic acid via chemically oxidative polymerization , were studied in a batch system .


  22. Under atmosphere pressure , conducting PAn / APU composite membranes are prepared by in-situ chemical oxidative polymerization of aniline onto anionic poly ( ether-urethane ) membranes .


  23. Under the condition of enzymatic oxidation , it was studied by the experiment of oxidative polymerization of catechin , epicatechin , chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid in the cider model system .


  24. Major examples of the reactivation chain polymerization include the oxidative polymerization of aniline and probably other aromatic monomers , living radical polymerization , and biological polymerization for the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins .


  25. The hs-SnO2 / PTP hybrid materials were prepared by an in situ oxidative polymerization method and characterized by XRD , FT-IR , TGA and TEM . The gas sensitivities of the materials were studied at the operation temperatures below 100 ℃ .


  26. Electrically conductive composites were prepared via the chemical oxidative polymerization of pyrrole monomer in polystyrene ( PS ) and zinc neutralized sulfonated polystyrene ( Zn-SPS ) films under supercritical carbon dioxide ( SC-CO_ ( 2 )) circumstance .


  27. Poly ( 2,6-dimethylphenylene oxide ) ( PPO ) is an important engineering plastics and is synthesized by oxidative polymerization of 2,6-dimethylphenol ( DMP ) in an organic solvent , therefore both a solvent recovery process and an explosion-proof reactor are needed .


  28. Polyaniline / multi-walled carbon nanotubes ( PANI / MWNTs ) composites were prepared by an in situ chemical oxidative polymerization method , and were firstly used as the cathode materials for rechargeable lithium battery to improve the specific capacity and coulombic efficiency of polyaniline .


  29. Polypyrrole films have been electrochemically synthesized by direct oxidative polymerization of pyrrole in acetonitrile containing tetrabutylammonium tetrafluoroborate as supporting electrolyte . We characterized the as-grown polypyrrole films by resonance Raman spectroscopy in the temperature scale of - 195 to 150 ℃ .


  30. Polyaniline is inserted into the galleries of V_2O_5 · nH_2O xerogel by in situ oxidative polymerization to produce a series PAn / V_2O_5 hybrid nanocomposites . The properties of hybrid nanocomposites were characterized by WAXD , FT-IR , TGA and conductivity measurement .
